Monday, July 2, 2012

Glenallen to Beaver Creek

Monday 2nd July  Distance travelled. 436 km Venue. Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada Today was a day of travel, so very little to describe. The weather was overcast with fine drizzle and low cloud so we dressed in our rain gear, again!!

Lake scene near the border of Alsaka and The Yukon, Canada. Notice the spindly Black Spruce trees.

 The road led north east to Tok and then south east to the Canadian border and Beaver Creek. It is quite difficult to keep oriented in Alaska, partly due to the proximity of the arctic circle and partly because the state is on the extreme west of the continent.The rain kept up until just before noon when reached Tok Junction when the sun shone briefly while we ate lunch at a little cafe run by a German lady who cooks all her own products. Rough and ready but very nourishing.

Leaving Alaska

Entering The Yukon

The dark clouds to south east looked ominous and soon we were surrounded by lightning strikes and thunder claps that could be heard over the sounds of the bike. The rain increased as we drove and did not let up even when we reached the Westmark Hotel in Beaver Creek. Even though I felt quite warm inside all of my protective clothing I was surprised to find that my sox and the bottoms of my jeans we're saturated. No matter how much duct tape I wrap around my rain pants and boots I seem unable to keep the rain out. Such is life on the road riding a motorcycle.

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