Friday, July 6, 2012

Juneau, Alaska

Thursday 5th  July  Today we left Haines on the ferry to Juneau, capital of Alaska but first I had to get to the ferry terminal, 4 miles away from the town. I was apprehensive about the bike but managed to coax it to the terminal without any real problems, but kept the sped to 40kph. The ferry loading procedure was a farce, by comparison to BC Ferries, and they took nearly two hours to load about 100 vehicles. As a result we departed about one and a half hours late.

The Manatushka ferry to Juneau. Alaska

 The cruise down the Lyn Canal and on to Juneau was noth les than spectacular. We were hemmed in by 6,000 ft mountains covered with snow from about the 3,000 ft mark and the occasional glacier twisted it's way down to the sea. Hump back whales, Orca and the odd large fish surfaced to advise us of there presence as we passed slowly by a beautiful old light house on a lonely island.

The sky was overcast but the sun managed to cleave its way through the clouds to highlight the mountains whenever I needed a photo. On the way in to Juneau we passed a group of tour boats chasing a groups of hump back whales to the delight of all concerned. I risked riding the bike the 12 miles into Juneau from the ferry terminal and just made it as the gearbox began to overheat. I will need to be more careful tomorrow.

Four cruise ships were lined up along the Juneau wharf ensuring that the town was full of tourists but that soon changed as they all departed within an hour of our arrival. Our hotel was found with assistance of two local ladies who noticed that we were in difficulty and when we explained that we were Australians they gave us two free passes to the Gondala which rises over the town from the main street.

Gondala view of Juneau.

Opposite view.

The hotel, Alaska Hotel and Bar is straight out of the early 1900's and is set back into a very steep mountain with each level stepping back further than the previous. The room was so small that by the time we spread our luggage out there was little room to move.

Te rear entrance to the Alaskan Hotel and Bar where we stayed in Juneau.

Sarah Palin and me in Juneau.

Russian Orthodox church in Juneau

Cruise ship in downtown Juneau.

The town, of 30,000, consists of almost all bars, hotels and gift shops. Tomorrow is another day.

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