Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Haines Alaska day 2

Wednesday 4th July.
I forgot to mention that yesterday on the way from Haines Junction, Yukon, we passed through some of the most beautiful scenery I have seen on this trip, nearly all of it in the Yukon and British Columbia. In fact the BC section was probably the most spectacular and I bet most of my Canadian friends have never seen it. Save up guys and make the trip, it is simply breathtaking. Also we saw three bears, one on his own and a large Cinamon Black bear with a cub. Take note! during the ten days of riding in Alaska, outside Danali National Park, we did not see any mamals at all on the roadside. We had the impression that the Americans had shot them all. At least in Canada there are signs advising that it is illegal to shoot game on the roadside.
Today July 4. Independance day. We attended the street parade at 11.0am and it was a mixture of anzac day, john Martins pageant and disneyland all rolled into one. Remember, Haines has a population of around 2500. There were fire trucks and pickup trucks and motorcycles all decorated with streamers full of people throwing out sweets to everyone.

 For lunch we joined the hundreds at the local picnic ground for hot dogs and hamburgers.
There was a cruise ship in town, one of the Holland America ships, so that added to the population.

We also visited the Eagle Foundation which looks after wounded Eagles and Owls and takes in young Interns each summer as volunteers to help out. There several live owls and three Bald Eagles, one of which was on display and was fed while we were there. Lovely to watch and the young volunteers were and inspiration, most of whom are going into the vetinary field when they graduate.

Wildlife of a different nature.

Now for the dull bit!
I have confirmed that it is not a proposition to repair the bike so I am hoping to limp it onto the Ferry tomorrow to go to Juneau although I will have to leave it at the dock as I don't wont to risk riding it any longer than is necessary, and the town of Juneau is 12 miles from the ferry dock. I hope I can get a Taxi into town. On Friday 6th July we again board the ferry for Prince Rupert where I will try and sell the bike for scrap and the catch the next ferry to Port Hardy on Vancouver Island (if you are confused, just have a look at a map). I will then see if I can catch a bus down to Nanaimo where I will impose on my good friends Michael and Darlene to put me up for a few days. I am not sure what to do after that as I will be grounded as far as transport is concerned. I had planned to do a couple of trips when we got back from Alaska but that is in the lap of the gods at this stage.
Enough of my complaining. I hope you are all well and enjoying life in the stable lane.

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