Thursday, June 28, 2012

Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula

Wednesday 27th June Anchorage, Alaska  The day started out dry, although cool, so we headed south onto the Kenai Peninsula with Whittier and Seward as our destination. The road follows the coast into Turnaround Arm, which if my history serves me well, was named by Cook as the lead he was following turned into a dead end.

Vandalism is not restricted to Australia. Notice the mud flats left by the fast falling tide.

The entire Peninsula is;comprised of steep snow clad mountains and glaciers by the dozen. The mountains are green with spring vegetation in the lower area's but appear as green puddings drizzled with cream from the peaks, low clouds scudding along the tops as if skiers making use of the last snow.

Small Ice Bergs from the Portage Glacier in the bckground.

Yours truly with snowball

We skipped the trip into Whittier as toll to use the 2.5mile tunnel is $12 and we wanted to make it to Seward on the same trip. The road south passes through mountain valleys dotted with lakes and rivers and the ever present road gang often slows progress to a halt. The weather plays havoc with roads in Alaska. Seaward is about 220km south of Anchorage and at one time was the main port of Alaska serviced by a rail line which runs all the way to Fairbanks.

Waiting in the rain at another road works stop.

 The weather turned rainy and cold, so we left the small fishing port and headed back to Anchorage, arriving at 7.00pm, cold and wet, again although it was actually quite warm there, probably 15 deg.

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