Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hinton to Grand Prairie, Alberta

Saturday 16th June  Bike total km 46892. Daily run 351 km Venue :  Grande Prairie, Alberta Scenic Route to Alaska read the sign on highway 40 just out of Hinton. we were at last heading in the right direction. The sealed road passed over rolling hills in sight of the Rockies to the west and the forecast threatened rain and strong winds, neither of which occurred but the cold forced us to rug up.  Millions of acres of Lodge Pole Pines interspersed with small Spruce and larger Aspen keeps the logging industry employed alongside coal and natural gas in abundance. The wealth of Alberta was blatantly obvious when We arrived in Grand Prairie, a city of 50,000 plus with dual lane highways and several shopping malls. This place is in the middle of nowhere??? On the road north Mike spotted four Moose and we were able to get a good photo of one, plus a few deer.

The Athabaska River just north of Hinton, Alberta

A big boys toy. Grand Prairie, Alberta

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