Monday, June 18, 2012

Fort Nelson to Watson Lake, BC

Monday 18th June  Stopover at Watson Lake, Yukon. Approx distance covered today 400km I will try to give you a word picture to describe today which in becoming typical because of almost constant rain. We have had one day so far without rain. Dress for the days ride! Undershirt, underpants, shirt, heated jacket, riding jacket, rain jacket, riding jeans and rains pants wrapped with duct tape to the boot tops to prevent rain ingress. We left Fort Nelson in fine weather with the sun shining for once but that did not last long. Soon the rain was pelting down so hard it felt like hail and within a couple of hours my right boot was full of water due to the duct tape slipping off the boot allowing water to run down my leg and into the boot. Not a pleasant feeling. We definitely started our trip a month too early. Perhaps the highlight of the day was the animals we saw, several bears, well fed and with shining coats, a herd of Buffalo including several calves, all relaxing on the wide verge and lastly another moose or two. The road verge is about 40m wide on either side and is the only area not covered with trees and therefore green with lush pasture, even the bears seemed content to graze. The rain showers were interspersed with periods of scattered cloud and sometimes sunshine.

A black bear on the roadside between Fort Nelson and Watson Lake

Muncho Lake between Watson Lake and Whitehorse

Stone Mountain between Fort Nelson and Watson Lake

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