Monday, June 18, 2012

Grand Prairie, Alberta to Fort Nelson, BC

 Moose on the run

Sunday 17th June . Fort Nelson , BC Bike total km 47,499 Distance travelled today  600km On leaving Grand Prairie we rode west through rolling prairie farm country dotted with the occasional oil well or gas well. The rocky mountains could be seen in the south west not to be seen again on this trip. We crossed back into BC and the rural town of Dawson Creek where the start of the Alaskan Highway is celebrated with monument to it's construction in 1942. At the town of Fort St John we stopped by to say hi to Dave Menzies who I met on our 2008 trip north. For the next 400km we passed through continuous Lodge Pole and Aspen forest, growing taller as we rode north. The road varied between excellent blacktop to recently gravelled surface which made riding difficult but in general the surface was good. The severe winter weather conditions play havoc with sealed roads this far north. Word is that the Alaskan highway is closed just south of Alaska due to flooding.

Mile "0" on a wet day in Dawson Creek, BC

 Siesta for the Buffalo family

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